Ashland Elementary Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Our goal is to promote safe and efficient arrival and dismissal procedures. Please refer to the maps below for a general overview of traffic flow and read the guidelines to ensure the safety of students, staff, and visitors.
Note: Arrival and dismissal procedures for our preschool students are different. Please refer to preschool specific directions.
AES Arrival
Front Parking Lot
- Drop off begins at 7:30 a.m. in the car loop in front of the office. Do not allow your child to exit your vehicle until a staff member is present. Students must exit the car on the passenger side.
- When entering the parking lot, follow the designated route (marked on the map above with green arrows) and pull forward as much as possible to allow more cars to drop off simultaneously. Please make sure your child has all their belongings ready before you arrive at the drop-off area.
- In the drop-off area, students must exit the vehicle using the passenger side.
- Parents must remain in their cars if using the drop-off line and are not permitted to get out to unbuckle their child. If you need to unbuckle your child or open the car door, please park your car and walk your child to the front door of the school.
- There is only one lane for drop off. Passing other vehicles in the drop-off line is not permitted for the safety of all students, staff, and families.
- Students may not be dropped off in any other areas or parking lots around the school.
- The school day begins at 8:00 a.m. A sign will be placed out front to communicate that the school day has begun. Any students arriving after 8:00 a.m. must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to sign in at the office and receive a tardy slip.
AES Dismissal
- Each family will be assigned a pick up number and receive a tag. When arriving to pick up your child, please place the tag in your dashboard so the number can be easily read by the staff member on duty.
- When entering the parking lot, please follow the designated route (marked on the map above with green arrows) in a single line. Please pull forward to our pick up zone designated by colored cones. Note: Our pick-up zone has changed in order to accommodate more cars. Please continue to serpentine the parking lot as marked by cones and continue to our pick-up zone.
- At 2:30 p.m. a staff member will begin checking the dismissal tags of the first six vehicles in line, which will release those students to the correct pick up zone. We ask you to wait patiently in your vehicle while an adult on duty ensures your child is safely escorted to you. Students must enter cars on the passenger side.
- After the students in the first vehicles have boarded, a staff member will signal those vehicles to exit the parking lot simultaneously so the next vehicles can begin the dismissal process.
- If you have a family member or neighbor who will pick up your child, please send in a note with the pick-up person’s first and last name.
- *Please note: For the safety of our students, anyone (including parents and guardians) without a pick-up tag or not identified by a note sent into school must park and present a driver’s license as proof of identity in our front office when picking up a child.
PK Arrival
All preschool parents must park in the parking lot off of Archie Cannon Drive and escort their child to the side entrance of the school (marked with the star on the map above). Dropping them off in the front loop is not permitted.
If you have older children who also attend Ashland Elementary:
- Drop off your k–5th grade child in the drop-off line in front of the school.
- Park to drop off your preschool age child at the side entrance.
- This order will prevent children from being unattended in a vehicle. Arrival of students k–5th grade is not permitted at the preschool entrance.
PK Dismissal
All preschool parents must park in the main parking lot and pick up their child at the side entrance of the school (marked with the star on the map above). *This is a change. Picking them up in the car line is not permitted. All parents, guardians, and authorized persons must present a driver’s license as proof of identity when picking up a child. Please hold your child’s hand as you escort your child to the car as parking areas are busy during dismissal times and use our crosswalk.
If you have older children who also attend Ashland Elementary:
- Park to pick up your preschool age child from the side entrance.
- Enter the pick-up line in and proceed to the pickup zone to pick up your k–5 student.
- This order will prevent children from being unattended in a vehicle. Dismissal of students k–5th grade is not permitted from preschool dismissal.